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Welcome to
Holmesdale Lodge

in Royal Tunbridge Wells

Holmesdale Lodge No 874 is the longest established Masonic Lodge in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. We are a sociable group whose principal aims are to foster friendship, raise money for charities and provide personal development opportunities for our members within the framework of Freemasonry.


We meet under the auspices of The United Grand Lodge of England and are part of the Masonic Province of West Kent. 

The importance of charity in Freemasonry

The history of the
Masonic Lodge


Become a Member

What is 

Freemasonry is the world’s oldest fraternal and charitable organisation for men. Its guiding principles are integrity, friendship, respect and charity. We strongly believe in diversity and any man over the age of 21 may join regardless of ethnic group, political views, economic standing or religion although he is expected to have a faith.

Becoming a Freemason is like going on a journey: from joining as an Entered Apprentice and progressing to a Fellow Craft it typically takes one or two years to become a Master Mason with each of the three stages marked by a special ceremony teaching members a moral and ethical approach to life through the enactment of a ritual drama.

As well as this formal aspect of our Lodge meetings, held at the Masonic Hall, St. Johns Road, Tunbridge Wells, members have the opportunity to socialise over drinks and dinner. Lodge members also meet less formally at social events involving families and friends.

Joining the 

Holmesdale Lodge welcomes new members and we are always happy to explain in more detail what Freemasonry in general, and Holmesdale Lodge in particular, has to offer. If you would like to find out more about joining us then please get in touch.


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United Grand Lodge of England
West Kent Masons
Masonic Charitable Foundation
Joining the Freemasons
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